Know Athur C a little bit more!
What is your favourite part of Magic Men?
Making thousands of ladies happy watching our shows from all different nations.
What is your favourite food?
I love decent burgers and flavourful pasta like spaghetti.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
I usually hang out with friends. We play games, and sometimes travel whenever possible.
How would someone get your special attention?
A beautiful smile and captivating eyes will do.
If you could visit one place on Earth where would you go?
Going to Japan is one of my goals. I like to check their tourist spots and explore their foods too.
What would you like remembered about you?
I like to be remembered as a fun person to be with who helps others whenever I can.
If you were a superhero what powers would you have?
Super strength like Superman. If I have that, I could help a lot of people.
“I like a simple girl with confidence. When she knows what she wants in life and she is willing to get it, then I’ll support her.”
Would you date a fan?
I’m not sure.LOL
Describe your ideal date?
Maybe we’ll have a little adventure then we’ll have a romantic dinner at night.
What are your pre-performance rituals?
Good music always keeps me going. I like to listen to my favourite playlist so I can be in the mood.
Would you rather be rich or famous?
I think I’d rather be rich than famous. Then I’ll help a lot of people.
What would be your ideal partner?
I like a simple girl but with confidence. When she knows what she wants in life and she is willing to get it, then I’ll support her.
What scares you the most?
Realizing my dreams won’t come true.